German Impressum German Band-Bio


Sept./Oct. 1998, page 141

(chapter "Ohrgasmus")

(English translation by Guderia, 13. Oct. 1998.)

la!NEU?/ Die With Dignity

Capt. Trip/Gawl

Klaus Dinger's (formerly Kraftwerk, NEU!, La Düsseldorf, Engel des Herrn) liability to jokes was nothing new for me. I am also always open to marginal currents, that's the right stuff for me. But what DIE

WITH DIGNITY (from Bochum) are doing here under his advice, is already lying beyond the threshold to the madhouse: 16 noise attacks toward mind, nerves and eardrum, that wave somewhere between Helge Schneider and Onkel Hotte, Microstoria and John Cage, from ingenious dilettantism to mad-funny psychopathy, and which excel by an almost total lack of musical coherence. If you don't want to do without your daily torture even when listening to music, you will absorb this CD with highest pleasure. But on the other hand, I wonder where the music has gone during that production process. If it's possible to get accepted by a Japanese label with that noise, I am amazed at the craziness of the Far-East-people of today.

(Stephen Parsick)

Kraut? | Kraut? (english)